
How Elite Intelligence Makes MISP More Powerful

Posted: 28th July 2020

Security analysts are under more pressure than ever. As businesses adapt to new realities, the attack surface grows, and cyber defenders are charged with gaining and maintaining situational awareness of their ever-expanding landscapes.

Unfortunately, cyber threats don’t stay still while analysts manually piece together data, feed it into disparate technologies, and then processes and share it across the organization. Critical gaps emerge when security teams don’t collaborate effectively and tools don’t communicate efficiently. As a result, true situational awareness remains elusive for many organizations, and finding and analyzing actual risk takes far too much time.

What Is MISP?

To get a better handle on the external threats targeting their business and industry, more than 6,000 companies have turned to MISP, an open source, community-driven threat intelligence platform (TIP). MISP collects, stores, and promotes information sharing of intelligence, financial fraud information, new vulnerabilities, indicators of compromise on targeted attacks, and even counter-terrorism information.

MISP’s global database is an incredibly beneficial resource for security teams, but because it relies on so many sources from across the internet, it’s only as useful as the intelligence that feeds it. That means analysts must have the expertise — and the dedicated time — required to identify relevant trends. This presents additional challenges as the cybersecurity skills shortage continues to grow while resources conversely shrink. Instead of making sense of mountains of data, analysts need a way to quickly identify what’s important, and how to take action to reduce risk.

How Recorded Future Makes MISP More Powerful

That’s where Recorded Future’s integration with MISP comes in. Positioning unprecedented security intelligence directly in MISP empowers you to identify the most relevant threats fast, proactively defend your organization, and quickly respond to incidents in a measurable way. By combining our patented algorithm with world-class human analysis, Recorded Future fuses an unrivaled range of open source, dark web, technical sources, and original research.

Contextualized Intelligence — Right Where You Need It

This integration programmatically aggregates relevant, real-time insights in every language into the MISP platform. Instead of pivoting back and forth between systems, security analysts are able to automatically access rich context, analyze it, and correlate it with internal data on malware, threat actors, and more — directly in a tool they already use and understand. With real-time risks scores on any IP, domain, hash, URL, or vulnerability at their fingertips, security teams are empowered to instantly prioritize alerts and dig deeper when further investigation is required.

Don’t take our word for it. Here’s what a large American financial institution that uses Recorded Future says:

“Real-time Recorded Future risk scores based on actual exploitability enable the team to quickly reduce risk by locating, prioritizing, and patching vulnerabilities that have been weaponized in the wild.”

By automating and orchestrating time-consuming security tasks and providing the right intelligence — in the right place, at the right time — security teams maximize their MISP investment while enabling proactive and informed threat detection, prevention, and hunting.

Learn more about Recorded Future for MISP now.
