Cyber Intelligence Training with Recorded Future

We offer a wide-range of cyber intelligence training options to help you get the most from our Platform and to continually strengthen your intelligence skills as an analyst.

Cyber Intelligence Training with Recorded Future

There’s more to learn with Recorded Future University!

With Recorded Future University current and future clients get so much more than just cyber intelligence training!

  • Structured learning journeys for all our product offerings
  • Workflows to help maximize your use of our product
  • Industry and tradecraft content
  • Exclusive access to webinars and in-person workshops
  • CPE Credits - Recorded Future University partners with ISC2 to provide continuing professional education credits.

Cyber Intelligence Certifications

Recorded Future University offers a number of self-paced certifications

  • Intelligence Fundamentals - The Intelligence Fundamentals Certification has been designed to enhance your Intelligence program by providing fundamental knowledge and skills you can implement in your daily security operations.
  • Mitigate Your Supply Chain Risk - Learn how the Recorded Future Platform can be used to proactively mitigate risks associated with your vendors or even your vendor's vendors.
  • The Certified Analyst Lab - The Certified Analyst Lab enables analysts to utilize the full capabilities of the Recorded Future Platform.

Cyber intelligence training options

Getting Started with Recorded Future

Getting Started with Recorded Future is a webinar series for new users of Recorded Future. Learn more about the series here.

The Certified Analyst Lab

The Certified Analyst Lab is an advanced-level course aimed to help analysts answer difficult information security research questions.

The Experts Corner

The Expert’s Corner, presented by Recorded Future University, is a client-facing training series that presents specific topics and workflows of the Recorded Future Platform.

Education Partnerships

We partner with schools, universities, and training organizations to bring hands-on learning experiences and learn cybersecurity-related skills.

Gain limited access to Recorded Future University and start your cyber intelligence learning journey today.

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