
Recorded Future Partners With Swimlane For Intelligence-Driven Identity Fraud Prevention

Posted: 4th November 2021

Recorded Future and Swimlane are pleased to announce the release of a new integration to support security teams in intelligence-driven identity fraud prevention. The integration will allow joint clients to leverage Recorded Future Identity Intelligence in Swimlane to accelerate detection of identity compromises and simplify response workflows, in order to maximize existing security investments. 

The Recorded Future Identity Intelligence module enables security and IT teams to detect identity compromises, for both employees and customers, and respond confidently — without any manual research. Recorded Future automates the collection, analysis, and production of intelligence from a vast range of open source, dark web, and technical sources, and then combines it with world-class research to help drive an accelerated response by security teams. This approach produces real-time intelligence at massive scale, offering an unmatched source of truth for identity authenticity that teams can utilize to prioritize identity threats and initiate downstream response workflows in Swimlane.

With the Recorded Future integration for Swimlane, as identity compromises are detected, Swimlane’s low-code automation capabilities make it possible to enrich the exposed accounts, verify if the user is still an employee, if the current password matches the exposed password, and if the exposure was a recycled or novel leak. Depending on the results of this process, Swimlane initiates a specific workflow to remediate the threat and protect the organization:

Revoke application access from former employees

Employees are leaving the workforce or changing jobs at a record pace. Securely offboarding employees requires IT and security teams to follow procedures to ensure that the departing employees access to corporate systems is revoked. This process is often manual, and therefore error prone. The Recorded Future integration for Swimlane audits active corporate credentials and automatically revokes access in the event that a former employee still has active logins. This results in the remediation of vulnerabilities and time saved for analysts.

Mitigate ransomware with company-wide secure passwords

Recycling and reusing passwords is a security taboo, but employees inevitably do it anyway. This leaves corporate systems more vulnerable to external threats. With the Recorded Future integration for Swimlane, Swimlane notifies security teams when Recorded Future detects the use of recycled or commonly used passwords, so security teams can proactively ensure that every access point to internal systems are appropriately secured.

Since all of this can be done with full automation on a recurring schedule, monitoring and responding to identity exposures no longer has to be a complex and time-consuming process. By eliminating the need to manually aggregate, correlate, and triage information, the Recorded Future Identity Intelligence module integrated into Swimlane empowers analysts to dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to detect, investigate, and respond to identity fraud and real risks to their business.

To learn more about how Recorded Future and Swimlane are partnering, view our joint webinar: Automation and Intelligence: Key Ingredients for Modern Security Strategies.
