Discover and protect your expanding attack surface

Stay ahead of attackers by automating asset discovery with External Attack Surface Management.

Discover and protect your expanding attack surface

76% of organizations have experienced a cyberattack that started through the exploit of an unknown or poorly managed external asset. How can you protect what you can’t see? Attack Surface Intelligence helps organizations confidently reduce risk by improving asset visibility, prioritizing exposures to remediate, and enforcing security controls.
Safeguard Your Expanding Attack Surface

Automated attack surface discovery

Recorded Future provides SOC, vulnerability, and IT analysts automated and continuous discovery of external assets, attributes them to your organization for a real-time inventory, and delivers valuable asset information for easy investigations within a single dashboard.

Detection and prioritization with actionable exposure analysis

Recorded Future provides a comprehensive external attack surface management solution that detects a wide range of exposures, including high risk CVEs, misconfigurations, exposed admin panels, and additional types of exposed assets.

Improved remediation workflows to enforce controls

Protect your organization with simplified workflows to enforce security controls. Integrated into your tools and workflows, Recorded Future allows you to focus on prioritizing and remediating risky assets with actionable exposure scoring and a real-time inventory of assets attributed to your organization.

Key capabilities

Key capabilities

  • External asset discovery
  • Asset inventory and investigation capabilities
  • Exposure scoring and analysis
  • Integrations and API endpoints
  • Largest archive of past and present DNS history
  • Alerting and one-click export capabilities

Frequently Asked Questions

Protect your digital attack surface through discovery, prioritization, and remediation with Recorded Future!