Press Release

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and Recorded Future sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and Recorded Future sign Memorandum of Cooperation
Intelligence Collaboration to Protect Critical Infrastructure Will Support Resilience in Ukraine and Yield Novel Products

KYIV and BOSTON — December 6, 2022 — Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and Recorded Future, the world’s largest intelligence company, today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) to protect critical infrastructure in Ukraine against the military and cyber aggressions by the Russian Federation as well as yielding novel products and technologies for protecting critical infrastructure worldwide.

Ukraine and Recorded Future have a long standing collaboration and relationship in the area of cybersecurity, assisting in the protection of Ukraine’s infrastructure and data. The collaboration announced today will extend this partnership in order to rapidly create and operationalize intelligence based solutions for the protection of Ukraine in both the cyber and physical/kinetic domains. Recorded Future will provide its intelligence Platform, its know-how, specialist engineers, and intelligence analysts - including those based in Ukraine itself. The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine will provide expertise, data, and people.


“Access to critical intelligence is of utmost importance to fight threats to critical infrastructure and our collaboration with Recorded Future has the promise to radically improve how we can defend against cyber and physical threats. The outcomes will also lead to products that can defend critical infrastructure worldwide and build novel technology expertise and industries in Ukraine” — Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine

“Ukraine is fighting a war on behalf of the free world, that is of existential importance to the West. Russia is replicating their wanton strategy from wars in Syria and Chechnya of targeting civilian infrastructure and Recorded Future is fully committed to assisting in Ukraine’s defense with our intelligence. We look forward to working on this imperative challenge with the brilliant team at Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine who has a long history of creative internet solutions. ” — Christopher Ahlberg, CEO/Co-founder of Recorded Future

About Recorded Future
Recorded Future is the world’s largest intelligence company. Recorded Future’s Intelligence Cloud provides complete coverage across adversaries, infrastructure, and targets. By combining persistent and pervasive automated data collection and analytics with human analysis, Recorded Future provides real-time visibility into the digital landscape and empowers clients to take proactive action to disrupt adversaries and keep their people, systems, and infrastructure safe. Headquartered in Boston with offices and employees around the world, Recorded Future works with over 1,500 businesses and government organizations across more than 64 countries. Learn more at
