
Don’t Just Get Your Data On; Get Your Data Right at Splunk .conf2015!

Posted: 17th September 2015

Data: We’re swimming in it.

There is so much data on the Web, inside our organizations, with our partners … security and threat teams must sort through this data to find emerging threats to their organizations. This is hard enough given the plethora of data available, but even more complicated without any context to the information that makes up the intelligence that informs a threat program.

Luckily for threat analysts, Recorded Future offers a Technology Add-on for Splunk that enhances data in Splunk, making it easy to find and prioritize indicators of compromise, actors, and emerging threats.


Recorded Future alerts in Splunk showing direct threats to a customer IP, and analytic drill down for a holistic view of the threat landscape.

At the sixth annual Splunk Worldwide Users’ Conference, September 21-24, 2015 in Las Vegas, Recorded Future will be onsite to discuss and demo how Splunk data can be enriched and correlated with our methodology of Web intelligence analysis, allowing analysts to uncover real-world context on cyber threats.

Recorded Future goes beyond the typical “threat feed,” scouring and analyzing the open, deep, and dark Web for information on threat actors, their methods, and their intents. We then structure the found data to form comprehensive maps, enriching standalone log data, alerting on potential issues, and turning data into immediately actionable intelligence.

Join us at Splunk .conf2015 in Las Vegas and see a personalized demo of the Technology Add-on. Every visitor will receive a “Marty the Martian” T-shirt, and you can sign up for our free Cyber Daily!

Can’t make the conference? Contact us for an online demo or view our on-demand webinar, “Exploiting Threat Intelligence From the Web Using Recorded Future and Splunk.”
