
New Feature: Results Indicator Gauge

Posted: 16th August 2013

Across many intelligence domains, customers have asked for search feedback about how many of the total search matches are included in the visible result set - the events shown in the timeline, map, etc.

For a narrow query, all the matching events are included in the visualization. For a general query that matches thousands of events, the visualization is limited to a sample of the most relevant results. It’s useful to have feedback so you can decide whether to drill down with a more specific query.

Visualizations now include a new indicator gauge showing an estimate of the visible result set, in terms of percentage of references. The gauge appears in the lower right hand corner. Mouse over the small indicator to expand.

Results Indicator Gauge

By clicking on the indicator, you can raises the query limit. This is the same action as clicking "Show more" in the advanced query dialog.

Note: The percentage is an estimate -- but you're at least seeing the displayed percentage.
