
5 Notable Quotes from Predict21, Tuesday, October 12th

Posted: 12th October 2021

Today we kicked off Predict21: The Intelligence Summit, Recorded Future’s annual event focused on the role of intelligence in enabling a proactive security posture. There were many great discussions throughout the day.

Below are five notable quotes from today’s event:

  1. “What’s the best indication you’re going to have a break-in at your house? The best indication is that your neighbor has a break-in. The good news is we’re able to collect data on break-ins as they happen, and we can turn that into intelligence.” -- Dr. Christopher Ahlberg
  2. “People think of spies as cynical, rather dry people, but we are basically romantics because we are adventurous -- we believe that individuals can change the course of history, and we see that happen.” -- Sir Alex Younger, former Chief of MI6
  3. “To our own community of cyber defenders … we need to compete less... we’re on the same team! Let’s get together, and let’s defend!” -- Geoff Brown, CISO of New York City
  4. “Automation is extremely important to us… it’s not about IOC, detection or alerts, it’s about something we can act on, prevent and respond to.” -- Timothy Lee, CISO of City of Los Angeles
  5. “I love the work you’re doing and expanding your capabilities to actually think about identity, because I think anytime we can get better intelligence and better visibility into the threat landscape on all different threat vectors, it’s helpful to the industry.” -- Ann Johnson, Corporate VP of SCI Business Development, Microsoft

Tune in tomorrow for more… predict21-day-one-recap-1-1.png

