Integration Details

Integration Access & Preconfigured Settings

Access to our integrations may be included in your subscription. For certain offerings, it may include all integrations listed here.

If integrations are included in your licensing, they are limited to the default Recorded Future configuration settings.

If changes to these settings or customization is desired, a Professional Services engagement may be required, and may not be included in your licensing unless purchased separately.

API Access

Access to Recorded Future APIs may be included in your subscription. Output available in the APIs is limited to the data included in Modules to which you have subscribed.

This access is limited to 5,000 API Calls per day in total across the below APIs:

  • Connect API
  • Detection Rule API
  • Detection Rule Relation API
  • Entity Match API
  • Identity API
  • Links API
  • List API
  • Playbook Alert API
  • Threat API
  • Analyst Note API

Note that Integrations may use one or more of the above APIs, and each Call (regardless of API used) shall apply towards the daily quota. An API Call is a single message sent from, or on behalf of, a Customer to request information from a Recorded Future API.